What Chemicals Contaminated Camp Lejeune’s Water?
Aug 04, 2022 by ZeroRisk Cases Marketing

There could be a million or more legal claims against the federal government by those exposed to and injured by contaminated water at the Marine base over a 37-year period. What caused the harm? What injuries might these people suffer? The Veterans Administration states the water supply at the North Carolina military facility was found […]...Continue reading

Opioid Bankruptcy Litigation Updates
Jun 02, 2022 by ZeroRisk Cases Marketing

At a hearing held on April 29, 2022, a six-member panel of the Second Circuit Court of Appeals in New York was asked by lawyers representing OxyContin manufacturer Purdue Pharma to approve the bankruptcy plan submitted earlier in the year, currently estimated to be worth between $5.5 and 6 billion.  In addition to contributing billions […]...Continue reading

Facebook Hack Victims Left Out in the Cold
May 10, 2022 by ZeroRisk Cases Marketing

A number of Facebook hack victims are being left out in the cold by Facebook. In recent days, Facebook users across the country have had their Facebook pages deleted and have been unable to recover them. And Facebook has not been responsive to those hack victims. Victims have been posting their stories on other social […]...Continue reading

Single Payer Docs Now Want National Health Service
May 09, 2022 by ZeroRisk Cases Marketing

A group of high profile single payer advocates now say single payer is not enough and are calling for a move toward a Veterans Administration (VA) style universal healthcare system. David Himmelstein In an article in The Nation magazine last week, doctors David U. Himmelstein, Steffie Woolhandler, Adam Gaffney, Don McCanne and John Geyman called […]...Continue reading

Bayer pressured researchers over neonic study results, but researchers pushed back
May 05, 2022 by ZeroRisk Cases Marketing

Agrichemical giant Bayer helped fund a study by university academics, then pressured them to omit photos that implicated a defective insecticide-treated seed product as a threat to bees, according to communications obtained by U.S. Right to Know. Several seed and insecticide companies, including Bayer, paid Ohio State University researchers to determine how much their insecticide-coated […]...Continue reading

Litigation Update: MDL 3026 Created for 17 Infant Formula Litigation Cases
May 05, 2022 by ZeroRisk Cases Marketing

The Motion to Transfer cases pending against Abbott Laboratories involving injuries allegedly caused by its infant formula was heard at the March 31, 2022 meeting of the Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation (JPML).  Abbott, with support from Mead Johnson & Company, LLC, another formula manufacturer and co-defendant in a number of the cases, filed the […]...Continue reading

Millions Awarded in Massive 3M Defective Earplug Case
Apr 12, 2022 by ZeroRisk Cases Marketing

Bellwether trials involving the company 3M and accusations of negligence over its earplugs continue as plaintiffs are awarded millions, but only if they prove that 3M was responsible for their hearing loss. So far, six plaintiffs have been awarded a total of $29,429,925 in damages, and three plaintiffs have been awarded nothing after seven rounds […]

The post Millions Awarded in Massive 3M Defective Earplug Case appeared first on National Record Retrieval.

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$26B Opioid Settlement Reached Between J &J, three distributors and 90% of U.S. States and Local Governments
Mar 18, 2022 by ZeroRisk Cases Marketing

On February 25, generic opioid manufacturer Johnson and Johnson and three major pharmaceutical distributors finalized a $26 billion deal that will settle around 3000 lawsuits filed by state and local governments in the ongoing opioid litigation, some of which have been pending since 2014.  By accepting the terms of the settlement, the government entities have […]...Continue reading

Celebrated virus hunter siphoned taxpayer funds for his private ‘Global Virome Project’
Mar 16, 2022 by ZeroRisk Cases Marketing

The post Celebrated virus hunter siphoned taxpayer funds for his private ‘Global Virome Project’ appeared first on U.S. Right to Know. A Lassa virus budding off a cell. (NIAID) A former U.S. Agency for International Development official founded and worked for a controversial organization benefiting from USAID funds while he continued to receive six-figure paychecks […]...Continue reading

Litigation Update: Bankruptcy Judge Affirms Johnson & Johnson’s Divisive Merger
Mar 10, 2022 by ZeroRisk Cases Marketing

On February 25, after a five day trial, U.S. Bankruptcy Judge Michael Kaplan of the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the District of New Jersey, affirmed Johnson and Johnson’s use of a divisive merger known as the “Texas two-step” to resolve the talc-based litigation pending against it. In his 56-page opinion, Judge Kaplan rejected the argument […]...Continue reading