Paraquat Claims Advance After Federal Judge’s Milestone Ruling
Mar 07, 2022 by ZeroRisk Cases Marketing

If you represent a client who was harmed by the toxic herbicide paraquat, you should be aware that a bellwether trial is anticipated for this November. Agricultural workers and farmers were handed a milestone victory in February when a federal judge ruled to consolidate claims by thousands who developed Parkinson’s Disease after exposure to paraquat. […]

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Victims of J&J Talc Powder Claims Get Crucial Backup from Washington
Mar 07, 2022 by ZeroRisk Cases Marketing

Attorneys for clients who were injured by talc products alleged to cause cancer will find valuable allies in Congress, where members are accusing Johnson & Johnson of nefarious trickery for an illicit dance known as the Texas Two-Step. U.S. Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin (D-IL) is leading the charge against the profitable corporation, and others […]

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John Abramson on How Big Pharma Broke American Health Care
Mar 07, 2022 by ZeroRisk Cases Marketing

In 2000, the healthy life expectancy of Americans ranked 38th in the world. In 2019, we were at 68th – behind China, Cuba and Jamaica. Citizens of Japan live eight years longer in good health than Americans. Canadians live five years longer. And yet, we spend $1.5 trillion more per year on our healthcare system […]...Continue reading

New Infant Formula Lawsuits Forming Against Mead Johnson and Abbott Laboratories
Feb 14, 2022 by ZeroRisk Cases Marketing

New infant formula litigation has been developing over the last year involving two well-known formula products: Mead Johnson’s Enfamil and Abbott Laboratories’ Similac. The two cow milk-based infant formulas have been linked to the development of necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) in premature infants.  This possibly fatal side effect has been known for a number of years; […]...Continue reading

NY Jury Finds Teva Contributed to Opioid Crisis in Suffolk and Nassau Counties
Jan 19, 2022 by ZeroRisk Cases Marketing

On December 30, after a six months-long trial, a New York jury found that Teva Pharmaceuticals contributed to the opioid crisis by creating a public nuisance in Suffolk and Nassau counties and New York State. Attributing 90% of the liability to Teva and its Anda Inc. unit and 10% to New York State, the jury […]...Continue reading

The Boy Scouts’ $2.7 Billion Settlement May Not Have Enough Support
Jan 06, 2022 by ZeroRisk Cases Marketing January 6, 2022 A $2.7 billion plan to give the Boy Scouts of America a pathway out of bankruptcy while compensating tens of thousands of sex abuse victims was at risk of failing on Wednesday, with more than one-quarter of claimants voting to reject the plan in a preliminary tally of votes. The Boy […]...Continue reading

Joe Rogan New Year’s Eve Tutorial on Corporate Crime in the Pharmaceutical Industry
Dec 31, 2021 by ZeroRisk Cases Marketing

Joe Rogan delivered a New Year’s eve present to his millions of fans – a two and a half hour tutorial on corporate crime in the pharmaceutical industry. Rogan’s guest – John Abramson, author of the new book Sickening: How Big Pharma Broke American Health Care and How We Can Repair It (Mariner Books, February […]...Continue reading

Major New Johnson & Johnson Chapter 11 Bankruptcy Updates
Dec 21, 2021 by ZeroRisk Cases Marketing

Three recent filings in the Johnson & Johnson Chapter 11 bankruptcy proceedings reflect some of the challenges faced by the pharmaceutical giant as it seeks to create its talc liability spinoff. On December 8, the U.S. Trustee’s office filed a brief objecting to J&J’s retention of the law firm Jones Day as bankruptcy counsel, citing […]...Continue reading

Litigation Update: Skepticism of J & J’s Bankruptcy and a Temporary Change of Venue Halt to 38,000 Talc cases.
Dec 01, 2021 by ZeroRisk Cases Marketing

On November 10, a federal judge in Charlotte, NC who is overseeing Johnson and Johnson’s bankruptcy trial temporarily halted approximately 38,000 talc-related personal injury lawsuits pending in state and federal courts, ruling the cases are more properly venued in New Jersey. Although the litigation stay gives the pharmaceutical giant a 60-day delay in the proceedings […]...Continue reading

The Bankruptcy Saga of Johnson & Johnson: Avoiding Responsibility or Being Responsible?
Nov 23, 2021 by ZeroRisk Cases Marketing

There have been many recent developments in cases filed by women claiming Johnson & Johnson talcum powder caused their ovarian cancer. They’re signs that these cases have taken a big bite out of the company, and they’re trying to limit their liability, or provide for plaintiffs, depending on what side of the cases you’re on. […]...Continue reading