Aug 16, 2022

Camp Lejeune Water Contamination Lawsuit

Posted by : ZeroRisk Cases Marketing

Camp Lejeune Lawsuits

Individuals and their survivors who have lived at Camp Lejeune more than 30 days can file civil lawsuits against the Eastern District in North Carolina for damages for injuries caused by the contaminated waters. Before filing a lawsuit, however SS (h), the CLJA requires that all claimants go through a 6-month administrative claim procedure:

(h). Federal Agency Disposition Required.- This section is not applicable to individuals who have not complied with section 2675 of the title 28, United States Code.

28 U.S.C.28 U.S.C.Claimants must either wait until their claim has been denied or the 6-month deadline is up before they can file a lawsuit in federal courts.

Camp Lejeune Water Contamination Lawsuit

The administrative claim process in most FTCA cases is a formality. Administrative claims are almost always denied. Claimants then proceed to file suit. The process for Camp Lejeune claims under CLJA may be different.

According to the CLJA, the administrative claims process could be more like a pre-filing settlement mediation. In this case, claimants who clear an initial screening process are offered very reasonable settlements. Our attorneys believe that most claimants will accept settlements in the administrative claim process. They may not even file civil lawsuits.

Two reasons are given by in-house lawyers why they expect the CLJA administrative claim process will proceed in this fashion. First, Congress passed the CLJA to ensure that Camp Lejeune victims of water contamination could receive financial compensation for legitimate injuries. Second, the CLJA claims process will eventually be managed by the Biden Administration. President Biden strongly supports the idea, which includes compensating veterans who are deserving.

Who will be the “appropriate federal agency” for CLJA Claims.

The FTCA requires administrative claims to be submitted to the “appropriate Federal Agency.” Camp Lejeune water pollution claims under the CLJA will be handled by the Department of the Navy.The USMC Camp Lejeune base was under the control of the Navy.

While the Navy will be named as the federal agency in the claim, they will most likely defer the Department of Justice’s (DOJ) guidance on how to deal with CLJA claims.President Biden’s instructions on handling CLJA claims will be followed by the DOJ.

Affected service members, Camp Lejeune residents or workers, who had any of the below conditions may qualify.  The tiers represent how our attorneys view case value.

Tier 1

  1. Parkinson’s disease
  2. Kidney cancer
  3. Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma
  4. Leukemias (all types, including myelodysplastic syndromes)
  5. Liver cancer
  6. Bladder cancer
  7. Multiple myeloma
  8. Kidney disease (end-stage renal disease)
  9. Renal Toxicity
  10. Systemic sclerosis / scleroderma

Tier 2

  1. Cardiac birth defects
  2. Esophageal Cancer
  3. Male breast cancer
  4. Lung Cancer
  5. Miscarriage
  6. Hepatic Steatosis (Fatty Liver Disease)
  7. Female infertility
  8. Neurobehavioral effects
    1. Delayed reaction times
    2. Problems with memory
    3. Problems with attention or concentration
    4. Problems with motor function (e.g., hand tremor, postural sway)

Tier 3

  • Non-cardiac birth defects (eye defects, oral clefts, neural tube defects, etc)
  • Female breast cancer
  • Cervical cancer
  • Hodgkins disease
  • Ovarian cancer
  • Prostate cancer
  • Rectal cancer
  • Brain cancer

When an attorney comes to ZeroRisk Cases for Camp Lejeune signed cases, we provide:

  • Professional Intake services to sign client up that meet your exact criteria using our in-house trained specialist.
  • North Carolina Co-Counsel introductions.

The Camp Lejeune Advantage-Marines helping Marines! 

We are calling it the Camp Lejeune Trident because we have three unconventional ways to secure cases.

  1. Once a Marine, always a Marine. Ron Lasorsa, a partner in ZeroRisk Cases® and former Marine, will deliver an unfair advantage for any law firm.

Some quick facts:

  • Ron Lasorsa is a US Naval Academy graduate and a former Marine stationed at Camp Lejeune from 1990-1994.  Lasorsa and his family were directly affected by the toxic exposure.
  • Ron was the Commanding General’s Aide-de-Camp and had first-hand knowledge of the contaminated water supply during his tenure.
  • The contamination continued beyond the years of the new law based on subsequent soil tests.  Ron reported the contamination test results up the chain of command.
  • Ron is uniquely connected to Marines through his US Naval Academy and USMC service networking that he continues to this day.
  • Lasorsa is leveraging this personal experience and his extensive veteran’s social network to expand awareness by word of mouth without violating North Carolina’s restrictions on Attorney advertising.

We are generating signed cases using a massive viral marketing campaign using Lasorsa’s extensive email list and social and direct connections.

Ron’s background allows us to reach out and locate Marines and family members who had exposure or know of other Marines who had been exposed to the contaminated water while stationed at Camp Lejeune, all without using any broadcast or social media marketing.

In addition, we utilize our network of stay-at-home Military Spouses to conduct social marketing campaigns to connect directly with victims of Camp Lejeune water contamination.  Our social media marketing Military Spouses Team reach out to potential Camp Lejeune Water Contamination victims on:

  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • Pinterest
  • LinkedIn
  • Twitter

The Marine networking strategy is compelling and without political implications and without breaching the strict North Carolina advertising rules so often violated by lead generation agencies.

Running a viral marketing campaign is a very powerful strategy in obtaining the best qualified cases for this campaign.

  1. Lasorsa has developed an alternative lead origination strategy using medical diagnosis codes that is significantly more efficient than traditional attorney advertising. As a result, we are more effective in identifying the more than 40 different types of illness associated with exposure to the toxins.
  2. The Victory Fund’s registered securities offerings provide an ethical safe harbor to saturate TV, radio, and internet with advertising outlining these advantages to potential Claimants and deliver cases no other group can.


ZeroRisk Cases, LLC
833-ZERORISK (833-937-6747)

Camp Lejeune Water Contamination Lawsuit
Article Name
Camp Lejeune Water Contamination Lawsuit
Individuals and their survivors who have lived at Camp Lejeune more than 30 days can file civil lawsuits against the Eastern District in North Carolina for damages for injuries caused by the contaminated waters.
Publisher Name
ZeroRisk Cases, LLC
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