ZeroRisk Mass Tort Signed Cases

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Our ZeroRisk CLIENT ACQUISITION PROGRAM™ is unsurpassed in quality and attention to detail when it comes to finding high-value plaintiffs for your firm.

With mass tort or personal injury cases, much of the development work is administrative in nature. While there are some legal issues that require a lawyer’s involvement, much of the work can be handled by case managers and paralegals skilled in client relationship management. Case management requires a process-driven mindset and a relentless focus on efficiency and quality.



  • Cannot contact the signed Claimant.
  • Signed Claimant did not use the drug/product as stated on the client intake.
  • Signed Claimant does not have any symptoms or disease as stated on the client intake.
  • Most lead generation agencies will limit the return of “bad” signed Claimants to 10 days.
  • As many as 70% of the purchased signed Claimants may require disengagement.
  • Attorney/Paralegal time sending out and tracking disengagement letters.
  • Processing signed Claimants is expensive- fees, wages, and time for signed Claimants that have no litigation value can be up to 10x the cost of the lead.
  • A signed Claimant is not necessarily a compensable case.
  • Historically, when attorney purchases signed mass tort cases, only 30-40%, and at best 70%, will result in a quality case after the acquisition and review of the client’s medical records.
  • As the tort matures, the conversion rate can drop significantly.
  • It can take weeks to months to obtain medical records from hospitals.
  • Vendor cost of signed Claimants usually increases during the campaign.
  • Medical records, the medical records review, and the Plaintiff Fact Sheet are expensive, time-consuming, and require expertise.
  • Attorney/Paralegal/staff client phone time is costly.
  • Attorney/Paralegal/staff time obtaining and tracking medical records is expensive.
  • Attorney/Paralegal’s time reviewing case files is time-consuming.


We created the ZeroRisk Mass Tort Program™ as your assurance of top-quality cases at an incredible VALUE!

What is the ZeroRisk Mass Tort Program™?


  • The initially higher cost of ZeroRisk Mass Tort Cases™ is far lower than the final cost of client acquisition.  Many signed clients do not meet the requirements for a good case and in fact, are rejected after review of the medical records for a variety of reasons ie. the patient/client did not provide accurate information about their disease.  The rejection rate will be near zero.  If for some reason there is an issue with the hospital medical records that do not correlate with the information we provided, we will replace the case at no charge.
  • Speed-this process will take days versus months to confirm patient/client case value.
  • Quality, High-Value Cases, and Reduced Cost of Client Acquisition-your staff and hospital record retrieval costs will be significantly reduced; processing the best possible cases instead of wasting time and records costs only to find a large portion are not qualified.
  • Our ZeroRisk Replacement policy provides replacements up to 12 months from the time we deliver the client if they do not meet your criteria, the claimant decides to drop out of the lawsuit, or even if the claimant becomes unavailable.


The process is a cutting-edge method of lead generation, resulting in the best quality signed cases available today along with unsurpassed case management assuring you the highest value plaintiffs, reducing your total cost of client acquisition.

What is included with the ZeroRisk Mass Tort Program™? 

  1. Lead Generation
  2. Intake Call Center
  3. New Client Onboarding
  4. Medical Records Retrieval and Evaluation
  5. Client Management and Communication
  6. Plaintiff Fact Sheet

Case Management

Case management is a general term encompassing everything required to keep your mass tort cases moving forward toward settlement. Our team is dedicated to your success and will do whatever it takes to move cases through the development process.

1. Lead Generation

We obtain clients by multiple methods for both the Standard and ZeroRisk Mass Tort™ Signed Cases

A. We take a holistic approach to our marketing, complying with all the rules and regulations, and always TCPA compliant.

Depending on the target audience, we advertise on Google, Facebook, Instagram, TV (English and Spanish), Radio (English and Spanish), OTO (over the top TV-Hulu, Netflix, and Amazon Prime), and additional English TV ads on Entertainment Networks, Major Networks, Family Friendly Networks, Sports Networks, Lifestyle Networks, News Networks and Internet ads displays (other than FB, Google, etc.)-these include:

Media We Use

Our media targeting is based on our initial testing to determine the best sources of leads for any given campaign.

B. ZeroRisk Cases® also utilizes a proprietary data collection procedure we developed.  This process is the key to obtaining clients that are “at the bottom of the funnel”.  This means they are leads who have been affected by the drug or product in question, have the desired deleterious effect, have been treated for the resulting medical condition, AND want to discuss their case with an attorney. This technology will provide the highest possible value to clients for each mass tort we can offer.

Conventionally, mass tort cases originated by running expensive and inefficient direct-response advertising campaigns using TV radio, print, and social media.  The largest mass tort law firms often spend tens of millions of dollars annually on traditional subscription services and direct response marketing (TV, radio, print, and social media advertising).

ZeroRisk Cases® uses its proprietary case origination strategy to identify the highest value, lowest cost cases which will disrupt the traditional legal lead generation business model by originating higher-value mass tort cases at a significantly lower cost than traditional legal advertising.

Higher-quality cases lead to higher settlement awards.

With ZeroRisk Mass Tort Cases® You Get:

  • Stellar conversion rate: ZeroRisk Cases® brings 25 plus years of experience and a trendsetting approach to sourcing and vetting leads; don’t waste your firm’s marketing budget chasing dead ends.
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) reduces human error: our custom-built CRM distributes and evaluates leads based on your firm’s criteria, reducing human intake error.
  • Professional transition services: our team prepares new clients for a seamless transition to working directly with your practice.
  • Eliminate missed opportunities: our full-service lead evaluation process means potential clients won’t fall through the cracks when lead or call volume exceeds your in-house capabilities.
  • ZeroRisk Cases® will work with your team to ensure we deliver new clients with the exact documentation your firm requires.
  • We provide a comprehensive client questionnaire with complete medical details for each signed client.
  • 100% replacement guarantee on all signed clients: all our signed clients come with client data that includes caller confirmation of your firm’s case qualification criteria. If anywhere along the case management process we discover the signed client does not meet the initial attorney-specified criteria, we will replace the client (does not apply if the attorney changes the criteria during the course of their campaign).
  • Call recordings are included for added quality assurance.
  • Each signed Plaintiff includes detailed intake, Signed Retainer/HIPPA, and other attorney-required signed documents, New Client Onboarding, Medical Records Retrieval, and Evaluation, Client Management, and Communication, Plaintiff Fact Sheet, and Case Management with each signed client.
  • Full Transparency/TCPA Compliant: Every lead generated through our mass tort marketing and lead generation channels comes with a date/time stamp, IP address, and opt-in source information.
  • The ZeroRisk Case Acquisition Program™ also includes vetting by our in-house Legal and Medical Teams.

We also use TrustedForm to further vet our leads.  TrustedForm is the highest standard for independent proof of consent.

TrustedForm provides unbiased third-party documentation of consent and real-time actionable insights about the leads we are acquiring.

  • Legal Protection
    Verify and document consent for compliance with regulations like TCPA, CASL, etc.
  • Fraud Protection
    Verify we are receiving authentic leads from interested consumers.
  • Brand Protection
    Verify our marketing brand is being presented properly and leads are coming from our approved sites.

Our TrustedForm certificates provide unbiased third-party documentation of consent. This proof of consent can protect you in the event of litigation while giving you new confidence that your signed claimant has actually asked you to contact them.


We use cutting-edge technology that includes data mining (proprietary) and AI that together with our vetting systems, brings you the highest quality cases at the best value.  Our system is designed to deliver signed cases that have the highest value.

The mass tort industry is extremely competitive. 

We can make your firm competitive with the largest firms in the industry.

Lead Flow

We generate the lead by some or all of the methods mentioned above.  Once a lead comes in by phone or web form, we feed it to our intake group, which performs the initial contact with the lead and performs the pre-qualification.  This process provides an initial level of qualification.  If the lead is qualified based on the attorney’s campaign criteria, our intake personnel transfer the lead to one of our Verification Specialists.

Our Verification Specialist reviews the legal issues required before filling out our detailed intake form.  The intake form is based on what our attorney-client provides, but it also includes other questions that we use to further vet the lead.  Our Verification Specialist does the entire intake based on our attorney client’s criteria and has the retainer and other appropriate documents signed by eDoc.  Where required, we will use Federal Express to have the documents processed.  The detailed intake and a signed retainer is transferred to a team leader.  The team leader does a background search for each qualified lead and initiates the retrieval of the signed Claimant’s Medical Records.

The background check will provide verification of address, phone numbers, family members, and other cases on dockets, car information, employment/businesses, criminal record, and everything available digitally to further ensure the veracity of the lead.

We follow up with the Medical Records, Medical Records Review, and Plaintiff Fact Sheet to be sure that the signed Claimant has the diagnosis and treatment requirements per our attorney-client.  The Plaintiff Fact Sheet provides our attorney clients with stronger inventories and lesser deficiency notices from the defense side, thereby ensuring the best outcome.

The entire process is tracked via our case management software.

2. Intake Call Center

We have two intake centers, both staffed by a bilingual intake specialist.  Twenty-five percent (25%) of our intake and management staff have completed sensitivity training for human trafficking and sex abuse cases.  We also have highly trained paralegals on staff who are native Spanish speakers.  Our Spanish Department can assist you with your clients who do not speak English or who or more comfortable speaking in Spanish.

3. New Client Onboarding

When a newly signed retainer is received for your firm, we will contact the claimant within 24 hours to accomplish the following:

  • Welcome client to the firm
  • Verify the accuracy of information received during intake and gather additional information
  • Set expectations about the litigation process and inherent uncertainty
  • Outline the next steps so the client knows what to expect
  • Review communication best practices so the client stays engaged with the firm
  • Answer any questions the client may have
  • Advance the case to Order and Review Medical Records

If we are unable to reach the client on the initial attempt, our team will continue to reach out via phone, text, and email. If we are initially unable to reach your client from our initial engagement, our Special Tactics team will be introduced to the process with the sole purpose of driving re-engagement to

complete the required information for the specific tort. We take great pride in the efficiency of our Special Tactics team.

4. Medical Records Retrieval and Evaluation

Once the welcome call is complete, our team will order and review your client’s medical records to determine proof of use and proof of injury with the underlying goal of maximizing the value of the claim.

  • Complete review of the client’s medical and pharmacy records
  • Summarize findings and enter information into our Client Management System
  • Establish proof of use and proof of injury for each client
  • Maximize the value of the damage model based on all available evidence
  • If necessary, acquire additional records to complete the review
  • Assign injury level and advance the case to Medical Review Complete

5. Client Management and Communication

Manage ongoing client communication regarding case status and progress. Our process is designed to keep your clients engaged and informed along the way.

As a contingent fee firm, you invest time and hard-earned money into retaining and serving your clients. To protect your investment, it’s important to engage with clients and remind them you’re fighting hard for justice on their behalf. With hundreds or even thousands of mass tort claims, this can be an overwhelming challenge.

Our client communication utilizes emails, text messages, and phone calls to provide regular touch points with your clients throughout the litigation process, including the following:

  • Monthly email updates on the litigation and individual case status
  • Email notification when the case advances to the next stage of the review process
  • Text and email notifications letting the client know we need to reach them by phone
  • Reminders and updates when we need the client to provide additional information for their case
  • Regular reminders to update the law firm when the client’s contact information changes
  • Contact clients to obtain missing information as needed
  • Manage client information and documentation

We provide Attorney Review Reports weekly to make the attorney aware of potential problems and have a complete understanding of their portfolio of cases.

6. Plaintiff Fact Sheet

Our team will assist with the preparation of the Plaintiff Form (PF) for every case you file with the MDL or relevant state court.

Our two-part process includes:

  • A preliminary review of the case file and medical records to prepare a draft of the PFS
  • Scheduling an appointment with the client as needed to review the PFS and complete any missing information

If the defendant cites a deficiency in the PFS and sends a Deficiency Letter, our team will work to cure the deficiency, following the procedures outlined by the presiding Court. If the deficiencies noted by the defendant are deemed to be objectionable or frivolous, we will work with you to produce the documentation necessary to file an objection with the court.

Why ZeroRisk Cases®?

We handle every step of the process from the time a client signs the retainer until the case is filed with the State Court or MDL.

Just like you, our mission is to help those who have been injured by corporate negligence. Most of the time, when people reach out to hire a lawyer something has gone wrong. We want to be there for your clients during their time of need to bring hope and bridge the gap between the time of injury and the moment justice is served.

We will enable your firm to scale and take on more mass tort cases without costly overhead, training costs, out-of-pocket development costs, and management of new staff. We ensure that you focus on what you do best, and we can handle the influx of new cases.

Our experienced team of paralegals, nurses, case managers, and call center representatives are fully trained and enabled to handle every aspect of your client’s case. Our experienced nurses can read medical documents extremely fast and efficiently while gathering all the pertinent information without the need for training.

Outsourcing client communication is a wise decision if you don’t have the technology and staff to manage the process internally. The value of keeping clients “in the know” and engaged with your firm cannot be overstated.

Regular communication through email, text messages, and phone calls, ensures your clients don’t forget about you and lose interest in their case. It also reduces inbound calls with questions like “When is my settlement coming?” and “how much will I get paid?” You never want to hear a client say, “I’ve called you three times, and no one has called me back.” Or another common complaint: “I have already answered that question three times. You’re not listening to me?” That’s not the way to 5-star Google Reviews from satisfied clients.

Transparency in Reporting
Our team sets clear and concise expectations about reporting and status updates, providing weekly reports along with weekly meetings to ensure any escalations, unique situations, or urgent matters are quickly addressed by law firm staff, if necessary. We pride ourselves on the ability to easily and clearly provide every status update your firm needs to ensure that effective management of each matter is being adjudicated.

Using your internal staff or hiring new staff to handle your cases may seem like a good idea from a management standpoint, but when you consider training costs, insurance, fixed overhead costs, supervisory costs, and fully loaded variable costs, it’s a no brainer to outsource to ZeroRisk Cases. Our Case Managers, Paralegals, Nurses, and Call Center Staff are all fully trained and carry ZERO overhead costs.

We are looking for long-term relationships with our clients.  The prices we offer our direct attorney clients are extremely competitive and it is likely we can beat out most of your other mass tort lead sources.  Our service is second to none as is our lead quality.  Our clients continually renew their campaigns and come to us for the next mass tort on their agenda.

Call us today at 833-ZERORISK (833-937-6747) or complete our Request For Quote for a quote on your next mass tort case.

We can also provide you with co-counsel connections should you want to manage the leads but not litigate the case.

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